I was able to get out into the garage a few times these last few weeks. First thing I did was get the bell-housing and transmission installed onto the engine. I then set it onto the frame. I thought it was going to be the last time that I set it on the frame. When I set the engine onto the mounts I noticed that the oil pan was JUST touching the engine cross-member. I wasn't comfortable leaving it like that. With all the engine movement that occurs, I figured it would develop a oil pan leak eventually from rubbing. With some help and advice we came up with a plan to widen the engine frame mount bolt holes so the mounts were able to move the engine rearward about 1/2". So out came the engine again to do the work. The plan worked and the oil pan is not touching anymore, it moved the mounts back just enough for the pan to not rub.
Bell-housing and clutch fork installed shown below.
Throw-out bearing installed on the clutch fork
The Muncie was then carefully slid into the engine.
Using the engine lift again the engine was lowered onto the frame.
I'm really happy with how the colour scheme is turning out.
I didn't take a picture of the engine before the mount modifications unfortunately. Below is after the mount modifications, I also put some rubber in between the pan and the cross-member to cushion some of the movement.
This month I also ordered my new exhaust headers. After a lot of research I decided on a set of Hedman Elite Ceramic coated headers. The headers fit, but just barely. I am going to need to grind a small amount of material off the lower A-arm mount on the drivers side. I also am going to need to relocate the brake line on the passenger side, and shorten one of the upper A-arm mounting studs. Other then those modifications they fit great! And look awesome
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